Learning Agreement during the Mobility Unibg

If you are planning to embark on a mobility program at the University of Bergamo, it is crucial to be aware of the Learning Agreement. This document is a legally binding agreement between you, your home institution, and the University of Bergamo, outlining the courses you will be taking and the credits you will earn during your stay.

The Learning Agreement is an essential part of the mobility program, and it is important to understand its purpose and the procedures involved. Here’s a rundown of what you need to know about the Learning Agreement at the University of Bergamo.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is a document that outlines in detail the study program that you will undertake while you are at the University of Bergamo. It serves as a contract between you, your home institution, and the University of Bergamo, ensuring that there is a clear mutual agreement on the academic program that you will follow. The agreement outlines the course names, the number of credits earned, and any other necessary information.

The Learning Agreement is an excellent way to ensure that the credits you earn at the University of Bergamo are transferable to your home institution. Your home institution will evaluate the credits earned and determine the equivalent courses that you can use towards your degree program.

Why is a Learning Agreement necessary?

The Learning Agreement is essential to ensure that you receive credit for the courses that you take at the University of Bergamo. Without a written agreement, it can be difficult to verify that you have completed the courses you claimed to take.

Additionally, the Learning Agreement enables your home institution to evaluate the courses that you take and determine how they fit into your program of study. This ensures that you do not take courses that do not align with your degree program.

How do I create a Learning Agreement?

Before you arrive at the University of Bergamo, you will need to work with your home institution to create a Learning Agreement that outlines your intended course of study. Once you arrive, you will need to consult with your academic advisor to confirm your course selections and make any necessary changes.

The Learning Agreement must be signed by you, your home institution, and the University of Bergamo. You will also need to provide transcripts of your academic records to verify that you have completed any prerequisite courses required for the courses you plan to take.

In conclusion, the Learning Agreement is a crucial document that ensures that there is a clear understanding between you, your home institution, and the University of Bergamo regarding the academic program you intend to follow. By following the procedures outlined, you can ensure that you receive credit for the courses you take and that your academic program aligns with your degree requirements.